搜索 Radoslav

  • 与德寇战斗的游击队员伏因负了重伤,留在村里养伤,被德寇知道了这个消息残酷地杀害了严守秘密的鲍希可父亲。胆小怕事的邻居伊利亚经过激烈的心理斗争,最终毅然地担起救治伏因的任务。
  • 尽管老国王对他的四个孩子不满意,但现在已是公主们准备结婚和王子准备登基的时候。国王出发去打鸟,并将王国托付给维伦王子。他的姐妹们希望他为她们提供新郎。美丽的女孩晚星出现在维伦面前,维伦立刻爱上了她。晚星也喜欢维伦,因此,为了一个吻,她帮助他的姐妹们嫁给了她的兄弟月光、阳光和风。国王回家后找不到女儿们,因为新郎们已经把她…
  • 当纳粹烽火蹂躏欧洲时,捷克斯洛伐克籍德军士兵马修怀念即将临盆的妻子而决定从前线逃兵返家,在抵家门时遇到了纳粹走狗警察安博斯。马修了解安博斯会去告密,决定加入山区游击队。战争造成物质短缺,德军官李德需要木材、人力、马车,与村民发生冲突,安娜为保护马修妹妹苏姗,两眼差点失明。后来马修参加军火坦克队,希望找到伤妻凶手,李德给…
  • 1979年,南斯拉夫贝尔格莱德,当南斯拉夫总统铁托在古巴处理国际问题时,一个神秘的“幽灵”占据了贝尔格莱德。每天晚上,这个“幽灵”都会用偷来的白色保时捷在城市街道上展示他的驾驶技术。通过无线电广播,“幽灵”公开的向警察挑战。超过一万人在街道上支持他们的英雄。警察被迫陷入一场由“幽灵”设计的游戏。“幽灵”成了政府的威胁。这场…
  • 1961年嘎纳电影节金棕榈提名,斯洛伐克新浪潮的先声。The May 1961 premiere of The Song of the Gray Dove (Piesen o sivom holubovi, 1960) directed by Stanislav Barabas (1924-1994) marked the start of filmmakers' use of ideologically unassailable themes (in…
  • 汉伯托马戏团
    Czech series about the life and work of acrobats, tamers, clowns and other employees of Circus Humberto, spanning the period from the first half of the 19th century till the time of the first independent Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1939), based on the famous novel by Eduard Bass. The novel played an immensely important…
  • The assasination of Heydrich in Prague during WWII.
  • This is a story of strange, impossible, inexplicable love between a Muslim Turk woman and a non-Muslim Bulgarian man. Ivan (the Bulgarian) is a pure and romantic young fellow, who gets caught up in the so-called "regeneration process" (when ethnic Turks' names were forcibly changed to Bulgarian ones). He is r…
  • This is a story of strange, impossible, inexplicable love between a Muslim Turk woman and a non-Muslim Bulgarian man. Ivan (the Bulgarian) is a pure and romantic young fellow, who gets caught up in the so-called "regeneration process" (when ethnic Turks' names were forcibly changed to Bulgarian ones). He is r…