- 'Restless Love ' is a dramatic comedy feature film that tells the story of three friends who lives in the same building , in Sao Paulo. Julia (Maria Laura Nogueira ), Diego ( singer Thiago Pethit , debuting in acting) and Micaela ( Renata Gaspar ) are young anti- heroes, surpassing loving and professional misadventures…
- En plena guerra, en 1973, Diminga atraviesa la sabana con un grupo de combatientes para reunirse con su marido, Sako, en el frente. En su ruta hacia el frente se revelan los estragos de cinco siglos de colonialismo, mientras que el camino de regreso a casa se desarrolla en medio de la alegría de la libertad recientemen…
- Not just a music film. Not just a ballet film. Not just a political film essay. Here, an antique Greek tragedy serves as an astute metaphor for the country's current tragedy. Medea kills her own children. Society has turned against its offspring and thus kills their future. The balletic retelling of a mother murdering …
- Mother Maria Pia Mastena as a young child has a vision of Jesus that leads her to a life dedicated to the Lord and others. But this life is not without challenges, both from without and within. Internal doubts and misinterpretations of her actions by those around her lead to conflicts along the way. She plods on, conti…
- SinandIllyhaveaplan:onaGreekislandtheywanttoget'clean'ontheirown.Buttheintentionofthetwogirlsfailsalreadyonthewaytotheairport.FinallySinrealizesshehastogothewayoutofheroinaddictionallalone.