- 这片动画是《三个火枪手》的搞笑版,主人公是新来的火枪手艾伯特,个子很矮,头脑却很聪明,喜欢通心粉,每次打败米莱迪一伙的武器都是他特制的通心粉子弹,而且每次国王给达达尼昂他们奖励时,艾伯特都会不在场——他没有想接受这个奖。这里,米莱迪的标志不再是白蔷薇,而是一只绿鸭子……那四位知名的队员也不在严肃,笑弥漫了整个片子。
- Just weeks after VE day, Britain's great war leader Winston Churchill found himself in another battle: to be elected Prime Minister. He was confident of victory – just reward for his leadership of the country through the dark days of WWII. But what happened next many still can’t understand. In one of the greatest elect…
- Told from the perspective of man reflecting on his childhood in Prauge in the early years of World War 2 and the eventual destruction of his family as the Nazis rise to power.