- With an international cast and Deodato directing this 1967 superhero film it can't possibly go wrong, but it did! The superhero is a laughing dude with wool stocking over his head (I don't know how he could see-thru with a holeless mask!). He laughs like Diabolik, and on the video box, he looks like Superargo, but in r…
- 刑满释放的迪普雷出狱后恶习不改,化名亚历山大继续偷盗诈骗。一天,他扮成富甲一方的东方王子,来到地中海的奥德赛号豪华游轮上企图行骗,与化名帕梅拉的女骗子苏菲不期而遇。一番较量后,两个人一拍即合,开始了狼狈为奸的行骗生涯。他们精心设计骗局诈取他人钱财,没想到总是弄巧成拙,演出了一幕幕令人捧腹的笑剧……