- 在夜幕刚刚降临的时分,房屋四周传来了猫儿们谈情说爱的旖旎之声。在一个篱笆前,呆呆傻傻的黄猫(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)搜肠刮肚组织各种溢美之词,向眼前的小白猫(Bea Benaderet 配音)大献殷勤。而就在此时,贪婪蛮横的红鼻子(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)悄然出现,他用平底锅打跑了大黄,向眼前的美人诉说情话。大黄不断地抗议…
- Stephanie Flanders, former BBC economics editor, has a very personal interest in the battle to beat polio. Her father, Michael Flanders, one half of the world-famous singing duo of the 50s and 60s, Flanders and Swann, was paralysed by the infection when he was 21. He used a wheelchair for the rest of his life, and died…
- 50 Years Of BBC Two Comedy celebrates the proud heritage the channel has in growing and supporting generations of successful comedy talent and making us laugh over five decades.From Fawlty Towers to The Wrong Mans, Spike Milligan to Shooting Stars, via The Office, M*A*S*H, Victoria Wood, The Fast Show and many, many ot…
- 《战国BASARA Judge End》改编自2010年发售的游戏《战国BASARA3》。故事会以《战国BASARA3》为蓝本,将“关原之战”设为舞台。彼时为群雄割据的战国乱世,高歌天下布武的大魔王织田信长,在本能寺遭遇心腹大将明智光秀的反戈讨伐。在信长阵亡后,拥有压倒 性战力的丰臣秀吉成为一方霸主。另一边,奥州最强之人伊达政宗准备进军小田原城。随后,…