搜索 Sára

  • Ann Mariya, a jovial kid hires a goon, Gireesh due to an incident at school. Her kindness causes Gireesh to change his morals and they become great friends. Family problems and her desire to be no. 1 at long jump form the rest of the story.
  • Vincent Pepe who wanted to be a powerful leader of a righteous gang that ruled the city, like his seniors. And then there's the rival clan with the malicious gangsters of Angamaly a locale on which the film is based.
  • 20世纪70年代末期,一支由军队控制的民兵团体控制了菲律宾丛林中的一个遥远村庄。士兵们身着制服,手握机关枪,在村子里散布肉体和精神上的恐惧。他们使得村中邻里之间反目为敌,并试图根除村民们对传说和神灵的信仰。勇敢的年轻医生洛雷娜为贫苦人家开设了诊所,却随后消失不见。她的丈夫雨果·海尼威是一名诗人、社会运动家和老师,打算去寻找…
  • Mavka-abeautifulforestnymphandsouloftheForest-facesanimpossiblechoicebetweenloveandherdutyasguardiantotheHeartoftheForest,whenshefallsinlovewithahuman-thetalentedyoungmusicianLukash.Ourstoryisaboutthemagicalpoweroflove.Thatkindoflovethatenableshumannaturetofindthemagicwithinandrevealsabilitiesandqualitiesthatempowerape…
  • Jack and Darragh are hired by the head of a large software company to find out who has stolen valuable games data from the company. Jack takes an liking to the main suspect, but when she is killed, Jack suspects his employer and vows to bring him down.
  • 一名警务人员面对来自家庭,流氓和政界人士的挑战,到底发生了什么,是故事的症结所在。
  • The film follows lead actor Kamal Hassan who plays a singer and his band on a tour to Singapore. Over there Kamal meets his love interest (played by Jayaprada). Kamal immediately is attracted and begin to spend more time with her. He also notices that something peculiar and fishy surrounds her life. Meanwhile, Rajnikan…
  • 8 个闺蜜喜欢一起购物,买些光鲜华丽的锦衣珠宝,她们对洋娃娃之类的东西没有半点兴趣。她们是典型的朋克小妞,最喜欢去青年俱乐部,即使里面多是些愚蠢之徒。而后,她们之间一系列相互之间的羞辱责骂差点让这个小团体散伙,但经过热烈的讨论,她们决定团结起来。俱乐部一年一度的夏季派对就要来了,复仇的焰火熊熊燃烧。
  • David has lost his girlfriend and his mind. Capps Crossing is his only refuge. When six hikers make the mistake of choosing Capps Crossing to spend the weekend, David will stop at nothing to make sure they never come back.
  • Three tween girls make a web show to show their interests, make DIY's and connect with people around the world.