- Fourteen-year-old Farha dreams of attending school in the city with her best friend Farida, but she knows that, as the daughter of the mukhtar (the head of the village, played by Ashraf Barhom), she is in for an uphill battle against tradition. Girls Farha’s age are expected to marry.It’s 1948, and British control over…
- 不信爱情的编剧家阿刁,不得不在他母亲于医院接受治疗期间,迅速完成五段爱情故事。他在加护病房外面邂逅了小莲,小莲对他要写的爱情故事产生好奇,就在你来我往的爱情激辩当中,阿刁的灵感油然而生,让他重新体会到被爱的感觉。文思泉涌的他,在跟小莲充满暧昧的互动下,成就出五段风格迥异、让人心跳加速的爱情故事…