- 一位已婚男子发现被谋杀了,他的情人也失踪了。于是警方把该名男子的妻子认作为该起案件的嫌疑犯。妻子只能求助于一名有精神缺陷的前警员,现任大学教授来洗清自己的罪名。教授开始不想接手这个案件,但最终还是开始调查这桩案件。案件的线索很少,但是唯一的一条线索却很关键,那就是这名男子是被一件不寻常的武器谋杀的:一柄滑膛枪
- Chaika is a love story between a prostitute and a loser sailor, rebuilt between two seasons: the eternal winter of Siberia and the summer in the dusty steppes of Kazakhstan.Young Tursyn comes back home to face what remains of his family: an old nomad about to die and a shipwrecked father. Both of them will bring back t…