搜索 Sampy

  • Yuki, nine years old, learns that her parents are separating. Her father is French, and her mother is Japanese. She is going to have to follow her mother to Japan, leaving everything behind in Paris, starting with her best friend Nina. Together, Yuki and Nina devise schemes in order to get her parents back together. Ru…
  • 大半生在银幕上历遍人间生离,年逾古稀却怎也无法在镜头前演出死别一刻。趁剧组停拍,资深演员到蔚蓝海岸探望故友。来到荒废大宅,偶遇拿着摄影机拍鬼片的孩童,唤起《四百击》(1959)男孩与电影初邂逅的情缘;梦回与貌美如昔的情人灵魂相遇,重拾一生铭记的爱恋。生命将尽之际,终领悟怎样与死亡共存。诹访敦彦给法国新浪潮的情书,让特吕弗与…