- Chaokun Jaroenkesa, the owner of 'Kesajaroen', a shop that sells hair loss treatment, wants to pay back his debt of kindness to his dear Indian friend, whose formula is responsible for the company's prosperity, by hiring Manas, his good-for-nothing son, to marry Nam Tan (Sugar), the daughter of his dear friend, for two…
- 莫里斯·弗利特克罗夫特(里朗斯)是一位坚定的乐观主义者,46岁的他是一名起重机司机、前喜剧特技潜水员,偶然获得了1976年英国公开锦标赛预选赛的资格。他一生中从未打过一场高尔夫球,最终打出了121分的最低记录,被组委会禁赛。 莫里斯并未就此罢休,多次通过猫捉老鼠游戏获得参赛资格,并用越来越滑稽的假名来伪装。他的行为让当局头痛不…