搜索 Saunier

  • Fresh out of prison, Daniel joins a group of criminals in the Parisian suburbs. There he discovers a world where he is accepted as a friend and 'part of the family'. But has he made the right choice? And will he be finally able to face up to his own responsibilities?
  • 晴朗明媚的郊外,有一间通透明亮的玻璃房子。这是一个经营绿色植物和木制鸟窝的小店,由一个穿着红白格子衬衫的白发老公公经营。某天,留着刺猬头的小女孩推门而入,他从包里拿出了长着长尾巴的蓝色小怪物,希望为小家伙买一个窝。老爷爷示意窝只能给鸟儿用,可是又耐不住女孩的央求,还是决定卖给了她。不久后,女孩拉着小拖车又带来一只贪吃的…
  • 电影