搜索 Savinni

  • According to Jewish belief, from the moment a Jew is born, he or she is accompanied by two angels: the angel of light and the angel of darkness. With the passing of Moishe (75), his family and friends gather to sit shivah, the 7-day Jewish mourning ritual. The spirit angels Aleph and Bet, divine accountants, watch over…
  • 別家電視台要的是醜聞加緋聞、裸體加屍體,抓鬼實境秀主持人山姆追求的則是冤魂、邪靈和尖叫 聲,要收視率和腎上腺素一起飆升。   但說鬼容易捉鬼難,八股的故事以及千篇一律的特效機關,連膽小的觀眾也留不住。為挽救即將被 腰斬的節目,山姆和團隊決定前往墨西哥知名鬼宅展開精采大秀,沒想到鬼宅威力名不虛傳,開腸 破肚的屍體來真的,他們…