搜索 Shavinder

  • Kirpaan.. the sword of honour' is a family drama with various elements like patriotism, loss of identity among the young generation of today, family values, family honour, purpose in life, friendship and love. It is the story of the personal journey of the character Beeru - a young college going lad of Punjab living a …
  • 由吉米·谢吉尔和瑟文·查拉主演的《达尔蒂》是一部政治惊悚片,它建立在旁遮普省的家庭政治领导体系之上。当旁遮普省首席部长的竞选因现任副部长的儿子被谋杀而变得私人化时,一场血战似乎迫在眉睫。在这种狂热中,中队队长贾斯迪普·辛格·瓦达拉,副指挥官的挥霍之子,回来寻找他哥哥死亡背后的真相。这个年轻的政客是如何与所有相关方接触到…
  • A secret agent who is posing as an insurance salesman tries to find an assassin, while also trying to juggle three women.