搜索 Smallhorne

  • 讲述女记者为了跟踪、报道、揭露爱尔兰的毒品交易犯罪,而最后献出年轻生命的感人故事。拍摄紧凑,故事感人。根据环球日报记者汉密尔顿的真实故事改编。 如果说这世界上高危的职业有哪些?很少有人会想到记者。但是每年公布的报告显示,年年都有近百名各国的记者会遭遇不同程度的伤亡事件,殉职的人数几乎年年都在50以上。但是很少有人在看到形…
  • Johnnie feels a lot of pressure lately. He's the foreman on his uncle's construction crew, and money seems to be going astray. His girlfriend begins pressuring him for more of a commitment and so does his new boyfriend. To top it off, he's started sleepwalking, and he doesn't know why.