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  • 故事发生在捷克共产主义倒台后不久,主人公Zyga是位二十出头的年轻人,试图出人头地却身不由己地走上了黑道。在边界的另一边,他看到德国人似乎拥有一切,Zyga将偷来的Adidas、Ray Bans分发给穷人们,成为一个罗宾汉式的人物,但事情渐渐开始失去控制。就像注定灭亡的麦克白,Zyga为他的自负以及背叛了的道德准则所累。
  • 电影
    Waves is a romantic drama about the intimate relationship between Ross & Sofia - two old friends passionately in love yet life's cultural, geographical, and emotional obstacles get in the way. Despite the intimacy, Ross & Sofia aren't a couple, and they haven't seen each other for some time. Ross is in rock-bottom stat…