搜索 Surihani

  • Set after 7 years of the event of Cicakman 2: Planet Hitam. Cicakman, the former superhero of Metrofulus had disappeared with people claiming Cicakman is dead or has retired. In his absence, the new superhero known as SuperBro has emerged and become the former defender of Metrofulus.
  • 几个来自马来西亚各个阶层的陌生人,幸运地抽中了“每日大马”的幸运签,得以乘船前往某个风光旖旎、景色宜人的小岛享受免费假期。小岛地处偏远,名叫阿兹(Namron 饰)的男子和他的妻子罗海妮(Zarina Zainuddin 饰)共同开辟了一个度假村,并且四周皆用电网围了起来。表面上看,电网的作用是保证私密性,但是小岛似乎还隐藏着什么不为人知的秘…
  • 毒蛇岛
    几个来自马来西亚各个阶层的陌生人,幸运地抽中了“每日大马”的幸运签,得以乘船前往某个风光旖旎、景色宜人的小岛享受免费假期。小岛地处偏远,名叫阿兹(Namron 饰)的男子和他的妻子罗海妮(Zarina Zainuddin 饰)共同开辟了一个度假村,并且四周皆用电网围了起来。表面上看,电网的作用是保证私密性,但是小岛似乎还隐藏着什么不为人知的秘…