搜索 Tómas

  • 十六岁的波比因为母亲早逝而心理受创。他不小心导致了一位修女的死亡,这引发了一连串的超自然事件,最终将他引向了地狱的深渊。
  • 该剧的故事发生在1770年代的瑞典宫廷。描绘了1775年发生的著名事件,当时国王在结婚九年后,决定与王后圆房,以便提供一个王位继承人。王室夫妇之间的结合由马厩总管阿道夫·弗雷德里克·蒙克·富尔基拉负责,尽管这件事在1778年取得了成功,但却引发了一场丑闻,国王的母亲质疑王储的合法性。
  • 围绕90年代中期当红男星卢卡斯故事系列的收尾篇。
  • Rød Snø is one of the many mini series produced by the Norwegian governmental broadcaster, NRK, and the main Swedish broadcaster, SVT. This series has many similarities with other series made in the 80's and 90's in Norway, but this is rec…
  • A 12-year boy feels left out by his classmates because he has no interest in athletics. He finally discovers his calling when his parents take him to a magic show. Picked by the magician to be his helper during a trick he is drawn into the world of magic and wants to learn more. He becomes proficient in tricks and also…
  • Swedish filmmaker Arne Sucksdorff was for nearly fifty years a standard bearer in the realm of the documentary. After studying natural history in Stockholm and Germany, Sucksdorff took a long trip to Italy. He returned with a full portfolio of scenic shots and nature studies, which won him a prize when they were reprin…
  • 【简介】今天全世界成千上万人使用的软性隐形眼镜,但是你知道这是由谁发明的吗?捷克斯洛伐克科学家Otto Wichterle,不仅是位拥有百余项发明专利的科学家,也是一位为自由奋斗终身的反体制斗士。本片描绘了这位在时代的逆风和政府的压制之下,依然保持对科学的热情,坚持为祖国的自由而战斗的科学家的轨迹。本片由法国ADR电影公司制作,NHK…
  • Adam is young and very ambitious journalist working in local newspaper - 'Pomerania Courier' - in Gdansk (Poland). One day he receives a stamped envelope by mail. There's a text in Latin written on that envelope: 'Tibi et Igni' (eng. 'For you and the fire'). He finds 3 photos of his fiancée Annie inside the envelope. A…
  • 《火星公主》作为《火星系列》三部曲的第一部,电影画面将由实拍画面和动画画面合成。这部作品围绕着南北战争时的南方军大尉约翰·卡特在火星上的一系列冒险活动展开描写。