- A talented young woman from a rural village travels to the "Big City" of Johannesburg, South Africa to become a Star. She lands a role in a musical play about Zulu Queen Mkabayi, Shaka's Aunt and searches for her identity as a Performer, a Zulu, a Woman and a Daughter. Will she be able to keep up with her mor…
- Edgar Froese, band leader of Tangerine Dream and pioneer of electronic music, is on a lifelong mission to find the ultimate sound. His constant quest takes him and his fellow band members to worldwide success, all the way to the Hollywood studios in Los Angeles. At his death in January 2015, Edgar Froese leaves a legac…
- John teaches spanish in Taiwan. And he is Korean. He wants to help students to communicate better. But ironically he himself is poor at communicating. He always has hard time to get along with others in daily life. One day, he realizes that he doesn't like talking with others but talking to himself. So he gets confused…
- A struggling actress and an aspiring playwright pour all of their creative energy into the only paying work they can find: role-playing demonstrations for corporate training seminars. When they book the biggest gig of their careers at a hotel conference, they commence work on their most ambitious production to date.
- 由Filmguru推出的爆笑新电影《888:疯狂公交车》,由风头正劲的搞笑演员Jazz主演,还带来了上半年大卖的喜剧《4G僧侣》演员组,更邀请了泰国白脸网红Thepphithakk,还有女星Tangmo-Pataratid,给我们上演了泰国公交车上的《速度与激情》。