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  • 在一場敘利亞的恐怖攻擊後,好不容易撿回一條命的前美國大使克里斯需要一顆新的心臟。負責照顧他的是醫科見習生瓊斯,經過幾番了解後,瓊斯對他的遭遇感同身受,誓言拯救克里斯那個因為恐怖攻擊,而瀕臨破碎的家庭與人生。滿腔熱血的他沒有發現,自己正逐漸陷入一場危機之中。
  • We've sought ease, comfort and wealth - but are people happier with more money? What is the science behind a good life? Following several people over a typical year, "A Small Good Thing" looks at the simple sources of human happiness.
  • After the untimely death of his parents, David Bagley's life is shattered. He decides to buy his first home, in an attempt to sort things out, but quickly finds that his problems aren't going to be solved so easily. After placing an ad online for a roommate, David starts to receive emails about a possible haunting in h…
  • Kyle and Eva are American art school students in the midst of a tumultuous breakup. In an attempt to rebuild their relationship and recharge their artistic inspirations, they retreat to Tel Aviv. Amongst the tense political environment, the couple parties and crumbles just as the people and city around them do the same…
  • In the first episode of the series, this programme unlocks the BBC archives to tell the story of the birth of modern art, in the words of the artists who created a cultural revolution - from the startling innovations of Picasso to the explosion of colour in the paintings of Matisse, to LS Lowry's industrial cityscapes …
  • 《查理:一个玩具故事》主要讲述了caden是一个十岁大孩子,一天他和他最好的朋友,一只金毛猎犬,两个人来到了他父亲jackat的玩具店,这个玩具店十分的神奇,他们在这里发现了许许多多奇妙的事情,并且这里也有 着最新,最有着奇思妙想的玩具,但是这家店的竞争对手一直都在虎视眈眈的盯着他们,不知道会做出什么可怕的事情来……
  • 男孩科特(Kyle Wigent 饰)通过向熟人兜售毒品谋生,他和男友保罗(Tanner Rittenhouse 饰)已经在一起两年,激情慢慢被平淡取代。当芝加哥进入绵长的夏天后,这对完美情侣也像不住鸣叫的夏蝉,内心开始躁动不安。在某个夜晚,一个帅气客户凯文(Adam Fane 饰)对科特展开追求,尽管科特将凯文推开,但他总是忍不住幻想一些如果可能的画面。科…
  • 《超级运动城》是现场运动节目和充满艺术特效的CGI环境的有趣融合的作品。节目中四位年轻的外星人为了寻找一个叫“狂暴鲁迪”的坏蛋从“运动星球”来到地球。他们必须阻止狂暴鲁迪窃取地球孩子的身体能量,将他们都变成电子游戏迷和垃圾食品迷。四位超能运动英雄,强强,弹弹,美美和壮壮化装成人类的样子,生活在他们的超现代健身房中,孩子们…