- Miyamatsu, who works as a cable-car operator, is also a film extra. Through his different characters he has been living the life of a stranger, only playing that part. Finally he comes face to face with his own life, the one he had lost. Debut film.
- In the early 1990s, the orphan Jian Ai was forced to move to Guangzhou to work. In Guangzhou, she worked as a small restaurant worker and a go-fer in a foreign trade company. With her cleverness, kindness, and daring fighting spirit, she has grown into an excellent foreign trade merchandiser and business manager. But J…
- TessandLoganarebacksolvingmysteriesasanoldfriendofTess’sisfounddeadjustbeforehewasgoingtoproposetohisgirlfriend.Codes,cyphers,andcrosswordpuzzlesalllendahandatfindingthekillerasTessandLogantrytofindawaytoworktogethertodeciphertheclues.
- A unique group of fishermen living along the Adriatic coast come to terms with being the last generation.