搜索 Tashi

  • Bad boy novelist Johnny Murphy had it all - a best-seller, fast car and fat bank account. But Johnny soon fell from grace because Johnny, just like the greats he idolizes, is a degenerate drunk and chronic gambler. Now, with booze induced writer's block and mounting underworld debts, Johnny must flee to Budapest to wri…
  • Six zombie hunting teams compete to be known as the world's greatest zombie killers in Chip & Bernie's Zomance. Pre-Apocalypse exterminators, Chip & Bernie, are best friends that have an unorthodox way of killing zombies with their often crazy and hilarious antics. Their friendship is tested as the contest continues an…
  • On a post-war peaceful day in Japan, Toyomatsu Shimizu, a barber as well as a good father and husband, is suddenly arrested by the Prefectural Police as a war criminal and sued for murder. According to the accusation by GHQ, Toyomatsu "attemped to kill a US prisoner", which was nothing but an order by his sup…
  • 2013年冬季 テレビ東京 日剧SP2009年8月6日、女優・大原麗子は白亜の豪邸の寝室で死亡しているのを実弟・大原政光によって発見された。死後3日を経ていた。あまりに衝撃的な“孤独死”は自殺、事故死、病死説と、様々な憶測を呼んだ。「すこし愛して、長く愛して」と甘くささやくCMで国民を虜にした大原麗子にいったい何があったのか…。男性…
  • 电影生活
    詩歌和愛情蔓生在紙頁和旋律中,時如畫外音覆蓋全局,時如一場冗長美好的靜默。哈林區的 17 歲少女阿雅娜,敏感銳利,擅於武裝自己。當她墜入玩音樂的以賽亞編織的綿軟情網裡,卻毫無懼惑,一絲不掛地交出自己。全片呼應阿雅娜口語卻力道漸強的詩句,以自然寫實的鏡頭記錄哈林區的人物地景,光亮陰影,捕捉少女轉大人前的情慾漲落,提早臨盆的成…
  • A couple is joyously expecting their first child, but a secret from the husband's past threatens to destroy their happiness. Tracey (Shanti Lowry), soon to be a new mother, is overjoyed at finally being able to have a child and prepares for a visit from her family for a big celebration. Her husband Devin (Darrin Dewitt…
  • 1995年、ロサンジェルスのベニスビーチにある"江戸寿司"で働く黒人看板シェフのブルースは、未だベトナム戦争の悪夢に苦しみながらも、Tシャツ・ショップを営む妻・ミツコと幸せに暮らしていた。ふたりの出会いはベトナム戦争中の横須賀。脱走兵のブルースを、反戦市民活動をしていたミツコが匿ったことに始まる。ある日、ブルースは…
  • “丹麦漫画事件”引起了国际性的争议和冲突。该片揭示了各个社会团体,如何努力解决因为丹麦漫画事件危机带来的问题,为我们展示了在21世纪,当我们面临国际性的争议和冲突时,用多种文化的方式消除冲突是有可能的。