搜索 Tavger

  • 一个身有残疾的优秀的神学学生埃尔尤金爱上了拉比 (犹太教中的学者)的女儿,但社会习俗意味着他将永远不能正式结识他爱的这个姑娘。眼见着自己喜爱的姑娘与别的男人偷偷约会,嫉妒、痛苦、绝望。的他用告密的方法毁了那个姑娘的一生,也永远关闭了自己面前的窗户。
  • 女主Meow是一个drug dealer,有一个聊天室的网友叫做Alex Kaplan,他约见Meow在他的新搬的住所相见,却突然停电,两人在黑暗中擦出火花,Meow却突然离开,在club里跳舞贩毒,Alex赶来欲和Meow相见,club却突发爆炸事件。Meow侥幸逃离,却遍寻不到Alex。第二天Meow到医院寻找受伤人员名单,只有一位未被确认姓名的重伤患者,全身裹满绷带,身处重…
  • Pinhas & his mother are new immigrants from Russia His mother barely makes a living working night shifts, she devotes her spare time to the affair she has with a married man. On the third floor lives a religious family, Pinhas is drawn to the warmth and unity that characterize this family there he meets a girl his age,…