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共找到“11”个结果Münchener Flughafen, Morgendämmerung. Da liegt er, der Willy. Niedergestochen, ausgeblutet und dann auch noch überfahren. Franz Germinger Junior ermittelt.Ein rechtsradikaler Taxifahrer, zwei im Geheimen operierende Agenten sowie die durc…
The obscure philosopher Georg Hermes almost withdrew from the world to concentrate on his studies, especially Heraclitus, having no relationship since his mother's death. Three attractive young women who run a men's clothing store also share living arrangements. They have grown quite bored with the usual pick-up scene,…
Berlin criminal investigator Sara Stein cultivates a low-key style. No superwoman, she abhors violence and relies on her gift for convincing others that she's trustworthy. Above all, she enjoys working in Berlin and Tel Aviv. Her being Jewish is a major asset, since she can navigate sure-footedly through the morass of …