搜索 Tighe

  • 强盗头子“尖刀”麦基与波莉姑娘一见钟情、私定终身,气坏了波莉的爸爸、全城乞丐的保护商皮彻姆。皮彻姆向警方检举麦基诱拐妇女,并命令乞丐们大闹女王加冕典礼现场,以此胁迫跟麦基颇有交情的警察局长尽早处死麦基。麦基、波莉和强盗兄弟们各有算盘,但都不愿善罢甘休,由此掀起轩然大波……作为戏剧与音乐完美结合的艺术典范,德国戏剧家贝尔…
  • Singer, songwriter, and guitarist Jeff Buckley's untimely death gives this 108-minute live performance inevitable poignancy and power as a rare, complete document of his passionate writing and playing style. At the time of Buckley's ascendance in the mid-'90s, both his high-flying vocal attack and his edgy poetic sense…
  • 电影战争
    朗(汤姆•克鲁斯 Tom 饰)自幼就是一个争强好胜的男孩,向往男子汉的生活。年轻的朗被总统那潘那番充满煽动性的越战演说彻底征服,一种挑战和为国牺牲的冲动在朗的内心渐渐滋长。一次摔跤比赛的失利,令一向要强的他毅然告别了恋人唐娜和大学生活,踏上了从军参战之路。然而,来到了越南的朗并没有在这里找到向往已久的英雄气概,反而目睹一出…
  • 一場紀念音樂會重新喚醒了一個通過歌聲與納粹抗爭的故事,它發生在泰瑞辛納粹集中 營,一支150名囚犯組成的合唱隊面對面地對著納粹分子唱著歌,把不敢說的話用歌唱出來,與納粹抗爭。
  • Henry Adler lives in Ontario by himself, regularly visits his gruff and critical father, and works in a bank; he's also an actor. He finds new purpose in life when he's cast as a cop in a realistic TV show. He gets into the part, borrowing the uniform from wardrobe, and walking around the city streets. Soon he's talkin…
  • 雪镇疑杀第二季
    A fresh murder rocks the town, plunging the remote outpost into new turmoil.
  • Goldplated
    Sitting on an impoverished Manchester sink estate, our latter day Cinderella (Cassidy) dreams of meeting her prince charming. Without a fairy godmother handy she uses her womanly wiles and nabs herself John, an older (married) wealthy builder. A baby secures the match and she’s plunged into nouveau riche heaven nestled…
  • 电影恐怖
  • 电影
    该片改编自A. M. Shine的小说。28岁的艺术家米娜(达科塔·范宁 Dakota Fanning 饰),突然被困在爱尔兰西部一片广袤无边、人迹罕至的森林里。当米娜找到安身处时,才察觉到自己与三个陌生人一起受困,而且每晚都有神秘生物在监视和跟踪他们。