搜索 Tijn

  • Laundry Man is the story about a rather clumsy serial killer. It is partly based on the crimes committed by American serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer and those committed by the Belgian-Hungarian pastor Andras Pandy.
  • All year long there is an 'eternal line' of people waiting to visit the Anne Frank House in the Dutch city of Amsterdam. Who are they? Where are they from? And why are they here? This film watches the line through the course of the four seasons, in search of stories from all over the world. We see people both before an…
  • Remco Albrecht, general director of "Albrecht Construct" and freelance womanizer, reluctantly celebrates his 65th birthday at the insistence of his wife Ineke. At his party, his rebellious daughter Lieke and her friend Merel appear completely drug induced. Merel is also the reason that Remco's son Tobias emba…
  • Three young women come together in college and quickly determine that one has never had an orgasm, they quickly decide that they are going to make sure she has one (thus the not too subtle film title). The three then set out a sexual adventures. One takes up with a popular, arrogant boy who is of course more interested…
  • 一起意外事故,夺走了马克的妻子。他一直沉迷在痛苦和麻木中无法自拔。后来他在墓地里遇上了一名陌生的女子,很快他们走到了一起,紧接着,又一名陌生的女子当晚敲开了他的门,她带来了一个警告……
  • 片名:抱你千遍 Ik omhels je met duizend armen导演:威廉·范德桑德·巴克黑曾 Willem van de Sande Bakhuyzen主演:泰因·多克特 Tijn Docter卡丽赛·范豪滕 Carice van Houten卡特琳·滕布吕亨卡特 Catherine ten Bruggencate卡丽娜·斯米尔德斯 Karina Smulders玛尔切·雷默斯 Maartje Remmers哈莉娜…
  • 影片讲述的是一个令人愉快的家庭冒险的故事,07年在荷兰上映后取得了良好的票房。影片根据1924年发表的现在在荷兰家已经喻户晓的冒险小说改编,背景设置在17世纪荷属东印度群岛(今印度尼西亚雅加达一带),讲述了三个小伙子跟随班德固船长经历的种种冒险奇遇以及友谊和信心受到考验的故事(爱上了同一位美丽的当地姑娘)。