While King Louis X of France is on a campaign, Queen Marguerite is reigning in Paris. During this time, the inhabitants of the city are disturbed by mysterious murders near a tower.
Mae, lonely and self-isolating, navigates the world of online dating during the early days of quarantine. Her first attempt is a comic disaster; then, she meets Will and her world begins to change in unexpected ways. Cast: Marianne Rendón, William Jackson Harper, Amy Brenneman, Parker Young.
肯尼斯(亚当·迪康 Adam Deacon 饰)有着非常强烈的坏蛋主义情结,一直希望自己能够成为遗臭万年的恶棍,可实际上,他只不过是一个不管走到哪里都讨人厌的小混混罢了。他无限膨胀的自我和嚣张的作风令他丢掉了工作,但这对于肯尼斯来说并不算是一件坏事,他离实现他的梦想又近了一步。失去了工作后,整日无所事事的肯尼斯只得去酒吧打发时间,…