搜索 TonyLoBianco

  • 《生死一瞬间》讲述了新泽西州侦探大卫在一个古董盒子里发现了一张胶片,他的生活被永远地改变了的故事。胶片里有个孤独的男人,暗藏了一把来复枪,站在草地小丘上。而那个小丘正是约翰·肯尼迪总统经过时被暗杀的地方。胶片是真的吗?或者,是另一个谋杀肯尼迪总统的骗局?当大卫向教授史蒂夫·罗林德寻求帮助时,事情变得明朗起来了,而他们的…
  • 电影恐怖
    Three recently deceased characters find themselves in Purgatory awaiting a sin cleansing so that they may enter Heaven. They have been gathered to review and relive the ONE sin which they have failed to repent while on earth, that is so heinous, it may send them straight to hell. The film is composed of three horror vi…