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  • 综艺音乐
  • 缘来是邻居
    萨拉(Esmeralda Pimentel)结束与CHEO(Javier Jattin)的爱情长跑,并被她工作的酒店解雇。面对这种情况,她决定去圣加斯帕工作。东尼奥·安德拉德(Juan Diego Covarrubias)的工厂在圣加斯帕,由于汽油过度盗窃。安东尼奥同意去工厂做主管,推迟 了他与百万富翁的女儿伊莎贝的婚礼。与萨拉相遇,擦出了爱情火花。
  • 爱瑟和杰马尔是一对苦于不孕的年轻夫妻,经人介绍后杰马尔决定抱回一个小孩当作自己的亲生儿。面对生活中凭空出现的婴儿,爱瑟感到莫大的压力,两人因此发生争执,而后杰马尔竟不告而别,爱瑟顿时成了单亲妈妈,这对无血缘关系的母子该何去何从呢?
  • Película sobre la actividad de la Gendarmería Nacional en la represión del contrabando.
  • It's very important to tell this movie filmed in Mexico with beautiful scenes in Tabasco likes all the people who begins to see. An excellent cast with mexican actors, a well-crafted script and an extraordinary use of Black & White, add up to one of the great movies in all times.There is a great moment captured by the …
  • 卡罗格与艾蕾娜是一对热恋中的情侣,在一次逛街中艾蕾娜的手袋被一少年抢走,在追逐中少年不幸被汽车撞死,卡罗格也因间接过失造成他人死亡而入狱一年。在监狱中的卡罗格受尽非人的折磨,在患难中与狱友斯戴本慢慢滋生了一段孽恋……本片的第一部分讲的是单纯的帅哥Rommel在险恶的监狱中艰难求生,和关照他的犯人小头目Esteban结成生死友谊。兄…
  • 旧日阴影
    When two siblings return to their childhood home, they are confronted by a violent, supernatural presence that dwells deep within their worst traumas.
  • 电视剧剧情
    Mayans M.C. follows the life of Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes, a member of the Mayans M.C. charter on the Cali/Mexi border. EZ, his brother Angel and the rest of the Santo Padre M.C. face retaliation from other charters after a failed attempt to alig…
  • 综艺社会