搜索 Urquhart

  • Jack, a teen visiting Tuscany to see the genuine sword in the stone, sucked into a wormhole tackles a journey in the Middle Ages. The narrative begins with elderly Alferius, sent to Bavaria by Guaimario Prince of Salerno. During a violent storm Alferius meets an old Norwegian druid in exile, who tells how miraculously …
  • A couple surviving the zombie apocalypse must choose between love and survival.
  • A doctor tries to save human clones from a molikan.com dangerous drug trial.
  • 电影剧情
    《后翼弃兵》主创兼导演Scott Frank计划将弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫的小说《黑暗中的笑声 Laughter in the Dark》改编为一部电影,Anya Taylor-Joy主演。Frank称该项目为"送给电影的情人节贺卡",会做成一部黑色电影,一部电影套着另一部电影。他希望能和《后翼弃兵》的制作团队合作这个项目。小说讲述了一个中年男子对一个非常年轻女人的…
  • A dangerous prisoner, Jacko Thomas, overpowers his police guard and jumps from a speeding train in the Dartmoor countryside. In the ensuing fight Jacko kills the guard and makes his way to a secluded hotel on the moors where Tredgar is being paid to arrange a safe transit for Jacko and his sister Jean. But Jean as no i…
  • 对于女律师泰勒—— 一个工作狂来说,在法庭上她非常严谨地对待自己的工作——但过了几个小时后,一切便过去了。她和戴维开始了一段恋情,他是一个体面的律师,一个迷人的单身汉。然而泰勒没想到他们俩却因为一场官司而成了对手,这是场关于两个情人之间的诉讼。泰勒和戴维开始了一对一的较量——先是在法庭上,而后又是在床上。然而对方的性感…
  • 故事描述西班牙内战后被放逐的游击队首领,在二十年后终于让故国的警长利用其孝心诱骗回国加以围杀。