- The vips of italian television disappear in a mysterious way. Two detectives, Lucia and Franco, try to investigate in this mystery, drowning into a strange world, where the leader is the powerful star Sonia Norton
- Country boy arrives in Rio de Janeiro, looking for a better life, but he finds it extremely difficult to get a job, and even has to work as a pimp in order to survive.
- 剧情简介: 荣获奥斯卡奖最佳电影主题曲并入围金球奖外语片的[革命前夕的摩托车日记],让更多人注意到这位传奇革命英雄—切.格瓦拉,他将不再只是印在T恤或是马克杯上的一个蓄着长胡子,头戴贝雷帽的模糊影像。1928年出于阿根廷,家境富裕的切,在医学院毕业之后,放弃了优越的生活,毅然决然的拿起枪杆,为了他的理想,加入了革命的行列,直到196…
- Remo Guerra is a policeman with a double life, who at night with a group of thugs, who he occasionally meets in bars, raids rich people's houses in Rome. Because of his hate for discipline he is soon dismissed from the force and he can continue his criminal life full time. One night he gets arrested and spends 3 years …