搜索 Yanti

  • Kelor Kirti is a fun filled ride with a bunch of young couples. This comedy of errors involves an enchanting woman entering the couples' lives, leading them to confusion. They are all caught up in misunderstandings and humorous situations, which end in chaos.
  • 德力.冉比.星是个有钱人,并且是镇上的区长,他很宠爱唯一的妹妹。但他妹妹却与地位低下的男人结了婚,他无法原谅他们。这导致他不相信爱情。在妹妹死后虽然把三个遗孤收养了,但对他们却很严厉。卓德力为了更好的管教两个小孩,请来了位女家庭教师萨维丝.戴维。可他不知道萨维丝其实是位年轻貌美的姑娘索妮亚,由于家里的母亲生病急需要钱,所…
  • A girl returns from the dead to gain her revenge on a gang of thugs that raped and murdered her.
  • Srikandi is a female figure from the Indian Mahabharata epic that changes gender to live and fight as an equal among men. This character is a role model for eight highly personal perspectives on lesbian, bisexual and transidentity life in Islamic Indonesia. The film, which began as a collective project, moves from pers…
  • Phil Spector is a pioneer of American music, a legendary producer to John Lennon and Tina Turner, and, as of April 13th 2009, a convicted murderer. Yet the Spector who appears in Vikram Jayanti's documentary is not the severe, outlandishly coiffed defendant seen in sensationalistic accounts of his trial, but a charming…
  • 加里·卡斯帕罗夫是世界上最伟大的象棋手。在1997年他跟IBM的电脑“深蓝”进行比赛,卡斯帕罗夫输给了深蓝。这部电影从卡斯帕罗夫的角度出发,再现了比赛和一系列围绕比赛而发生的事件。它钻研了比赛的心理方面,和对IBM的真正战略进行质疑。影片由卡斯帕罗夫,他的经理人,象棋专家和IBM深蓝队成员以及原始比赛的电影胶片组成,BBC出品惊心动…
  • 闹剧流意大利西部片的经典代表上部中气急败坏的Bud决定和Joe分道扬镳,但他注定拜托不了这个爱捣蛋地弟弟,当Bud回老家休息的时候他的弟弟Joe也回来了,为让兄弟和睦,兄弟俩的父亲假装心脏病发作,让Bud答应照顾弟弟,于是Bud带着弟弟Joe开始了学习如何当一个合格的盗马贼的旅途,但是Joe善良天真的性格总是让Bud筹划的计谋失败。在一个小镇酒…