- Pacific Coast Academy, an all boys boarding school is accepting female students for the first time since the school was established. Zoey's (Jamie Lynn Spears)little brother Dustin (Paul Butcher) is currently a student there. Zoey decides to be one of the first girls to become a student at PCA. This is very exciting, b…
- 《熊孩子亚历山大的糟心日》(AlexanderandtheTerrible,Horrible,NoGood,VeryBadDay)根据同名青少年文学作品改编而来,该书曾入选美国教育协会推荐的“100本最佳童书”。该片由导演米古尔·阿塔执导,预计将于2014年10月10日在北美上映。
- 冷笑话的时间到了! 十万个谐音梗组成了冷笑话的搞笑世界,一话一个谐音梗,让你感受无聊又好笑的世界。主角肉橙君是一个热衷健身的橙子,脑回路异于常人,性格单纯直来直去,身材孔武有力,他和好朋友——软萌可爱的香菇菇桑,热爱恶作剧腹黑的黑猫黑豹,日常生活总是能碰撞出各种各样因为谐音造成的奇妙事件,让你哭笑不得。