搜索 Zottoli

  • 伯爵夫人伊丽莎白·巴托里,来自特兰西瓦尼亚历史上最臭名昭著的女同志吸血鬼的人,几个世纪前,沐浴在处女的血保持她的青春,到达接手洛杉矶德古拉伯爵的城堡,她的吸血鬼的丈夫。与此同时,3000岁的木乃伊贺夏普。冯雪,埃及一个邪恶的女巫,生活在一个博物馆和捕到深夜。德古拉,同时,花费太长时间观看旨在受害者Tanya和米娜,否则天亮前回…
  • In this steamy erotic thriller, Nicole is a woman whose significant other Brad wants her to stay home and take care of the house. But Nicole soon grows bored with this routine, and begins taking assignments as a nude model for men's magazines. Nicole is soon lured into a number of sexual liaisons with models and photog…
  • Robert Kubilos执导的美国恐怖电影片,尔茜·布鲁 Ty Winston参加演出。 影片讲述了传说中的吸血鬼里斯特从几十年的长眠中苏醒,他决定不再屈尊于阴暗之中,而要像人一样生活在阳光照耀之下。于是他凭借着吸血鬼特有的迷人魅力与孑孓的气质,成为了一个偶像级的摇滚明星,并用他的音乐唤醒了在北极冰窖中已经沉睡近6000年的吸血鬼女王--来…
  • 影片为小成本制作的B级片。讲述一群梦想在美国洛杉矶能够有着大突破、大发展的年轻女子,在希望幻灭之后,并最终创立了一个成功的、好莱坞独家的“护送服务”行当以迎合客户的故事。
  • A writer for a pop culture magazine needs to come up with a "killer" story about online dating to save her job. After catching her shackup partner in bed with a bimbo from the marina she is a candidate for a new relationship. Her office buddies convince her to post her own .jpg and get into the cyberdating ga…
  • A group of scientists enter the Brazilian jungle in search of a rare creature. A beautiful woman with the ability to remain forever youthful and who kills her prey via sexual pleasure.