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  • 动漫游戏
    单纯可爱的小恶魔泥泥入住万圣街公寓的1031室,他的室友们可都不是一般人:慵懒搞怪、主业是游戏主播的吸血鬼艾勒;喝凉水都塞牙、广场舞大神狼人大毛; 严肃古板的天使房东林恩和他天真烂漫的妹妹莉莉等等。而他们都不知道,泥泥的身上还沉睡着魔王的力量。邪恶势力紧追不舍,泥泥和他的朋友们能否化险为夷欢乐温馨与神秘悬疑交织的日常喜剧拉开序…
  • 动漫生活
  • 动漫
    非人哉携手罗小黑,两大工作室联合制作,全新系列重磅公开!  原作漫画《1031万圣街》讲述一群来自不同地域的外国妖怪在中国贡献GDP的漫画故事。非人哉工作室制作。秉承非人哉的画风。“1031”是主角们在北京合租房的门牌号。
  • Down-on-his-luck single dad Harvey Fowler gets a much needed boost when he meets children's author Mandy Simpkins, author of the Marvelous Mandy storybooks that his daughter loves. Their beautifully vivacious relationship seems like it couldn't get any more perfect, until Harvey gains some disturbing insights into her …
  • 一个男人和小三偷情时被原配发现,原配被小三失手杀死,为防止原配变成恶鬼报复,二人用法器镇压住原配的灵魂。多年后法器被人挪动,无意中放出了原配的鬼魂,原配附身小三的女儿,杀死了几位驱魔的法师和奸夫淫妇,原配的女儿痛斥母亲残忍的行为,拿出法器砸向母亲.....
  • "IRAN, The Forgotten Glory" is the first independent documentary film series taking the audience on a journey into the depths of ancient Persian civilization, capturing the majesty and the splendor of the Achaemenid and Sassanid empires and their influence on world history, religion, art and culture by reveal…
  • Gordon Welchman was one of the original elite codebreakers crucial to the allies defeating the Nazis in World War II. He is the forgotten genius of Bletchley Park.Filmed extensively at Bletchley Park, the centre for codebreaking operations during World War II, this documentary features the abandoned buildings where tho…