搜索 Ângela

  • 电影音乐
    阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯的镜子剧院因财政拮据面临即将被拆迁的命运。剧院经理马克斯(伊德瓦多·帕夫劳夫斯基 Eduardo Pavlovsky 饰)和剧作家安立加(弗兰克林·卡西多 Franklin Caicedo 饰)及众演员为剧院的命运奔走,却发现处处碰壁。从巴西里约热内卢来到剧院的美女弗洛(安吉拉·科雷亚 Ângela Correa 饰)为了生计不得不去…
  • 电影
  • They used to call it "the curse," and for Sharrie Heiman (Angela Dix), that's exactly what it is: she has her period all day, every day of her life. As if that weren't bad enough, she has to cope with an out-of-control girlfriend, a lecherous gynecologist and a slimy agent too. Valerie Castro and Keith Dunn c…
  • 电影剧情
  • A portrait of five Vancouverites living on society's fringes during the 2010 Winter Olympics, "Luk'Luk'I" takes us into uncharted territory, falling somewhere between a fiction we need to see and a documentary we wish didn't have to exist.
  • 电影剧情
    主人公森西在梦境中卷入一场商战并成为这场商战的牺牲品。  Angela和周通10年前本是一对夫妻,后因一些琐事导致离婚,离婚后二人都创办了娱乐公司,十年后二人又为争夺一单国际模特大赛的参赛资格斗得不可开交,一场阴谋也随之展开。  随着事态的进展,周通的阴谋被警方查出,随即指派警力对周通实施了抓捕,随着周通的落网,兰兰,凌郡也相…
  • A honeymoon retreat goes south when the newlyweds find a group of rowdy friends in THEIR cottage! Apparently the cottage is double booked and neither side willing to leave they tough it out, but in the morning things go from bad to worse...
  • 1995,Starship Eros飞船上的所有女性船员在不利用男性机器人仆人Quasar 的“特殊服务”时彼此相处。