- Incognito follows the journey of seven individuals, who are said to each face personal challenges on the road to redemption. The series delves into their struggles as they come together to face a common enemy, engaging in high-stakes missions that will test their resilience, loyalty, and combat skills.
- 艾莉住在一个遥远的城市。有一天,邪恶的女巫 Gingema 召唤了一场飓风,将 Elli 和她的狗 Totoshka 带到了 Munchkins 的国家。为了回家,艾莉和她的朋友斯特拉希拉、热列兹尼·德罗沃塞克和特鲁斯利维·列夫将沿着黄砖路出发前往翡翠城,寻找能够实现他们珍视愿望的巫师。