- 很久很久以前,人世间鬼怪横行,魑魅魍魉泛滥成灾。当时出现了一个最强的役小角,他降服了拥有强大实力的鬼神为自己所用,以铲除为非作歹的鬼怪。在役小角临死之际,他将鬼神封印,人世间绝少听闻鬼神的消息。时间来到了现代,役小角的后代小明(横山智佐 饰)在命运的驱使下解开封印,可是 高傲的前鬼根本不服从小明的役使,于是这个女孩只得将…
- 第一部・妖怪博士--警戒厳重な日本原子力第一工場に、ある夜、怪盗が侵入。新聞は国際スパイ団首領、怪人二十面相の仕業と報じる。幸い、狙われた原子炉設計図は名探偵明智小五郎の機転で相川技師長の家に隠されていた。明智は中村捜査課長に今後の警戒を注意。明智の事務所に集った小林、相川、篠崎、斎藤、大野、上村君ら少年探偵団は、相川…
- A great addition to the collection Hobby (2001) that is available here at Surreal Moviez. Daniel Szczechura seems to be fairly unknown even amongst animation-fans. His technique, style and personnality, however, are one of their kind, and his work should not be missed. The precision and concision of his shorts just kee…
- At times, the world is filled with things we cannot understand. [Ashkan, the Charmed Ring and Other Stories] reveals the complicated interlinked chains of the world that people cannot comprehend. Shahrooz and Reza try to rob a jewelry shop despite their blindness. Hotel employee Ashkan tries again and again to kill him…