- 本剧根据俄罗斯作家Mikhail Bulgakov的短片小说集改编,故事发生在俄国十月革命前夕。本剧的主人公是一个医生,但他却由两个演员扮演。难得的是,这两个演员都是当今影视界数一数二的重量级人物——电视剧《广告狂人》(Mad Men)的男主角Jon Hamm和电影《哈利波特》系列的男主角Daniel Radcliffe。在本剧中,主人公是俄罗斯小村庄Muryov…
- Lucy's elation at securing a business deal quickly evaporates when she accidentally runs over Button,the pet rabbit belonging to client Paul's daughter Sophie. Lee agrees to take the blame but on returning the corpse discovers it is another,wild rabbit she also killed. They decide to buy a replacement and go to a pet s…