- A superb collection of short films culled from the gay film festivals. The DVD begins with the somber Tom Clay Jesus which focuses on the anonymity of the gay urban slut. Boychick follows - it's our favorite short film from the festival circuit. It's an imaginitive exploration of the inner life of a gay teen - funny, s…
- 强波特是位心理医生,因母亲意外过世,波特带著十八岁的女儿回乡处理后事,波特见到暌别三十年的破旧老家,忆起儿时的恐怖景象,他小时候曾目睹姊姊在怪异的祭典仪式中被杀,这些年来他不断逃避梦靥般的回忆,当他走进他姊姊生前的房间,他的恶梦又重回眼前,老神父亚契警告他活人魔之说,提醒他父母与妻子离奇死亡之疑,要他挺身彻底解决恶魔,…