- In this modern adaptation of the Don Quixote theme based on a novel by Graham Greene, Quixote is an old Spanish village priest who travels through Spain with his friend, Sancho, the village's mayor and his car called Rocinante. On their way he has to master the same adventures as his ancestor.
- 20世纪40年代的英国,一位年轻的剧作家得到了一位重要导演的首演。但是导演想找一个喜怒无常的女演员来演主角。当洛林·巴里(Lorraine Barry)读到第一遍时,导演和明星之间的战斗开始了,可怜的剧作家夹在中间。
- Robin Chapman based his teleplay for the 1986 BBC production Blunt: The Fourth Man on a true story. Ian Richardson plays Sir Anthony Blunt, an above-reproach aristocrat and renowned art expert. In 1951, Blunt sells out his country by helping turncoat British spy Donald MacLean (Michael McStay) escape to Moscow. Blunt's…