The story revolves around a young woman who entered into a strip club called À mon seul désir one day. She believed she’d found a place where love couldn’t reach her, where a cunt was called a cunt, and where she could play with her body …
Peter has worked all his life at a Manchester bank. When he is awarded an early retirement, he decides to visit his brother in Benidorm, only to discover that he's disappeared.
奥斯卡得主Alejandro Amenábar的电视剧执导首秀《#财富# La Fortuna》宣布卡司,预计今年暑假开拍,2021年播出。这部6集剧将由Stanley Tucci、Álvaro Mel,和《接线女孩》Ana Polvorosa主演。本剧由AMC和西班牙付费有线台Movistar+联手打造,改编自Guillermo Corral的漫画小说《黑天鹅的宝藏 El Tesoro del Ci…
Months after the explosion at the Inferno, Hugo sets out to find the one responsible and avenge Triana. Meanwhile, Macarena tries to abandon her sex addiction with the help of an enigmatic guru.