搜索 南宫远

  • 长女静熙根据父亲南博士去世前留下的遗嘱,将嫁给画家东秀。曾有恩于南博士的年轻医生顺哲帮助静熙度过难关,又为她找到方社长推荐工作。顺哲爱着静熙,却因南博士的遗嘱不敢表白。同时,静熙妹妹明熙与东秀相恋,为了成全妹妹的幸福,静熙接受方社长的求婚......
  • 1950년 원산에서 후퇴작전이 진행되는 동안 연합군 사령부에 비밀정보가 접수된다. 원산의 병원에서 페스트로 보이는 질병으로 하루에도 수십명이 죽는다는 것이다. 참모실은 당황하게 된다. 이 사실의 확인을 위해 특수공작대가 조직된다. 공작대는 한국 해군, 미국 작전참모실, 특수부대로 편성된다. 그들은 지역의 반공유격대의 도움을…
  • L'Amour is the story of an elderly couple who have lived through pain and agony. Of their three sons, one committed suicide, one immigrated, and one ran away from home. The husband was once a two-star general with a promising future, but his decision not to join a coup d' tat would eventually lead to his dishonorable d…
  • Dr Han rapes his lab assistant one night. Rather than go to the police, the victim keeps quiet only bringing up the subject months later to inform the doctor that she is pregnant. Her attempts to blackmail him lead to her accidently falling off a cliff. However, her ghost will not allow Han to forget his crimes.
  • 王身患重症,卧床不起。身为谋臣,崔大监一心企图辅助庶子接替王位。当年双亲被崔大监谋害的义士龙文为报家仇携刀出现。王退位后,崔大监一手筹划庶子继位。这时,龙文挥舞着正义之刀一举将崔大监势力铲除,重新夺回政权。
  • Jin-woo, a reporter, disappears while covering a war in the Middle East. His friend, Hyeong-jun, marries Jin-woo's widow to take care of their infant daughter. But many yars later Jin-woo returns and demands that his daughter be handed over to his custody.
  • 幼满(南宫远饰)和唯一的亲生妹妹美兰以及保姆生活在首尔近郊一所巨大的房子里。一日,幼满新雇的男秘书丹洲(河明钟饰)也住进了这屋子,并与美兰互生情愫发生了一夜情。喜欢丹洲的幼满发现后,非常地愤怒。丹洲打算辞掉工作带着美兰远走高飞,无奈被拥有强大势力的幼满抓回。幼满对丹洲用尽暴力,使后者伤至神智不清后把其关禁在小屋里,命令…
  • SYNOPSISTan-shil, born in the poor outbacks of Mt. Jiri, moves to Seoul to work for Wu Man-chan. Wu tries to seduce Tan-shil who attends to his wife. Mrs. Wu, who wants to keep her husband at home, urges Tan-shil to attend to his needs. When Tan-shil becomes pregnant with Wu's child, she is locked inside an apartment a…