搜索 南宫远

  • 吉峙(金胜镐 饰)在韩国西海岸的龙草岛上已经当了一辈子的渔夫,和妻子(朱宗女 饰)、女儿(南贞妊 饰)以及同样是渔夫的儿子道山(南贞沅 饰)生活在一起。尽管吉峙非常用心地做事,他们一家还是因为年成不好捕不到鱼而必须靠借债才能生活下去,妻子从船主仁先生那里借的债也越积越多 。一天,希望有所突破的 吉峙和村民们登上了一艘船,儿子…
  • SYNOPSISSeong-hun helps Mun-ok when she collapses and they become lovers. But she is the mistress of wealthy entrepreneur Choi Seok-pa. When Seok-pa's only daughter Nan-ie falls for Seong-hun, he follows his ambitions and ends things with Mun-ok. Mun-ok begs him to leave with her but he refuses. Mun-ok shoots Seong-hun…
  • The 20-year-old Kye-ae, who was treated as a secretary of the Sahmyook group's English profession, became a woman of the 20-year-old, who was cut off by the honorary president of the Honeymoon, and then Kyea promised the future of the sales manager of the Sahmyak group affiliates. Se-chul's father was the right person.…
  • Myeong-ja has dreams of becoming a wealthy woman and she'll achieve them in any way that she can. She gets her opportunity when she meets Woo-shik. Myeong-ja seduces him, then goes to meet his father. She claims that she will file rape charges unless she receives a considerable payoff
  • Jang, a North Korean general, surrenders to Captain Lee of the South. Lee presses him for information which Jang agrees to supply on the condition that Lee helps him locate his wife who had defected to South Korea many years earlier. Coincidently, Jang's wife is now married to Captain Lee who must decide whether or not…
  • 没有工作、整日需要父亲提供生活费的M是一个游手好闲的人,他一直在用望远镜偷偷观察对面公寓的女子善英。对美丽的善英充满迷恋的M为了不让她与别的男子交往,总是在暗地里搞一些破坏。M趁着对此一无所知的善英孤独之际成功第获得了她的爱情。然而,M的爱近乎疯狂,渐渐令一直希望寻找到真爱的善英承受不住,最终打开煤气炉自杀了。
  • 黑社會頭子王泰斗的助手施紅蘭從北國特工手中搶得私運金塊的密件, 特工頭目李重燮率其妹允姬及手下來香港搜尋. 韓國特工X-7號金明烈從蘭處換來密件, 及時發現是炸彈, 並救蘭脫險. 烈和蘭往斗宅盜取密件不果, 後跟蹤斗、燮等到日本. 蘭的弟弟遭燮挾持, 威脅她殺烈, 但蘭不忍下手. 烈向舊愛姬曉以大義, 二人潛入燮的基地進行破壞. 斗看到蘭的頸…
  • SYNOPSISHeo-bin is busy with the construction of a hotel in Kyung-ju. He goes to Seoul on business and discovers the affair of his wife, Seo-yeon, and Hyeong-jun. Heo-bin falls into despair over the betrayal. Returning to Kyung-ju, Heo-bin is still upset. Then he grows feelings for the beautiful interior designer, Ji-s…
  • In this dark and sexy South Korean tragedy, Director Lee Doo Yong intertwines numerous lives from a 16th century palace to illustrate power-hungry people trapped by cruel, defunct laws. When a puppet emperor seizes power to satisfy his sexual desires, a beautiful servant girl finds herself elevated to the rank of first…