- 影片主角是在世界上拥有极高声誉的动物学家珍·古道尔,她二十多岁时前往非洲的原始森林,为了观察黑猩猩,在那里度过了三十八年的野外生涯,后来常年奔走于世界各地,呼吁人们保护野生动物、保护地球环境。 导演布莱特·摩根尤其擅长人物刻画,他从100多个小时从未公布过的珍·古道尔在野外考察和访谈的影像资料中选材剪辑,以第一人称视角,讲…
- 《一周八天:披头士的巡演时代》记录的是披头士的“红色专辑”年代1963-1966。这段时间是披头士全世界巡演时代,也是披头士最辉煌的年代,“众筹”作品,大部分电影素材来自于网络。导演从2003年就开始搜集素材,除了来自地方电视台和档案机构,还来自上百位披头士粉丝、个人收藏者和非法偷录者。影像涵盖了这一时期披头士乐队的每一场重要演出…
- This documentary is a biography of Jane Goodall, primatologist and conservationist. It is particularly concerned with her spiritual development, and her message of hope that, working together, humans can overcome our differences and make the world safe and habitable for ourselves and the creatures our choices impact. I…
- For close to forty years, the great zoologist, Jane Goodall, has studied the nature of the wild chimpanzees of Africa and has learned about these remarkable animals. This films explores the scientist's life and work with a major emphasize on the various chimps she has studied and grown to love. In her research, she has…