- Milla, a 70 year old white woman, in the terminal stages of motor neuron disease, trapped in silence and confined to her bed, struggles to make herself "heard" by her black maid servant and now nurse, Agaat. Slowly the events leading to this room are recalled: 1950s when life in South Africa was full of promi…
- 纪录片《成为詹姆斯·邦德》发布海报,在丹尼尔·克雷格最后一次扮演邦德的新片《007:无暇赴死》上映之际,回顾他作为007一路走来的历程。9月7日上线苹果流媒体Apple TV !
- 一艘太空巡洋舰坠毁在了黑纳斯星球上,这是一个关押着整个银河系中最邪恶危险罪犯的星际监狱。大部分队员都在这场事故中遇难,全队只剩下飞船的驾驶员——星际英雄马克斯·克劳德,倒霉的厨师杰克和极不配合的指挥官雷克西。他们的任务很简单,那就是等待救援人员的到来,同时尽自己最大的努力阻止监狱中的囚犯登船,然而这可是马克斯·克劳德,…
- First there was Kidulthood then Adulthood now comes Noel Clarkes last installment brotherhood With Sam facing up to the new world he realizes it also comes with new problems and new challenges that he must face that he knows will require old friends to help him survive new dangers.