- 北海道の人気DJ・伍代(斉木しげる)あてに、ゲスト出演の寛平(間寛平)を殺すとの脅迫状が届き、警視庁原宿分室の警部・左近太郎(古谷一行)と警部補・山口かおり(木の実ナナ)が警護を命じられる。番組は無事終了したが、今度は無差別に人を殺すという脅迫状が舞い込む。翌日、第一の殺人予告が入り、硫黄山のふもとでカメラマン・針山の死…
- Cult filmmaker Hisayasu Sato achieved a bizarre sort of success with his 1990 bestiality/horror/sex film Uma To Onna To Inu, leading him to return to the same tainted well with this warped look at a woman who lives in the middle of nowhere with a horse for a lover. The horse is also her best friend, and they communicat…