- Mayuko Mizuki is a hot Feng Shui expert and reluctant part-time exorcist. During an encounter with a violent ghost, the specter of an old priest appears and banishes the angry spirit. The priest, Tenkai, tells Mayuko that she is a descendant of the Dragon People. He insists that it is her destiny to banish demons from …
- 称霸世界最高峰的赛事,就能称霸世界市场。英格兰与爱尔兰间的海上岛屿--马恩岛,这里是世界最难摩托赛事的圣地。一圈60公里 ,219个刁钻的弯道,海上突然刮来的狂风,还有山中的大雾,死者不断。43年前,有一家不自量力挑战这项赛事的小公司,社长是被称为“老爹”的本田宗一郎,站在橘子箱上说,让我们给战败的日本人们梦想吧。第一次挑战,结…