搜索 詹姆斯·德雷福斯

  • When Gimme Gimme Gimme first hit the television screen in 1998, it immediately divided the critics. Plenty loathed it, but it soon acquired cult comedy status in the BBC2 post-watershed tradition. Since then it has gone mainstream on BBC1 but as the first series shows, its appeal lies in a surreal anarchy. Linda (Kathy…
  • 根据真实故事改编。1998年至1999年间,伦敦一名年轻的骗子趁《大开眼戒》(EYES WIDE SHUT)影片拍摄期间,自称是大导演史坦利· 库布里克,他凭这个开门咒自由进出英国首都最豪华的场所。这个骗子对这位大导演的电影作品所知不多,跟他长得也只有一点点像,但他却凭这个名声,利用周围的人的轻信,引诱并诈骗别人。
  • 电影爱情
  • A row between keen birdwatchers in Midsomer-in-the-Marsh turns nasty when their president is killed. Patrick Morgan met his death while hoping to sight a rare bird, but is his obsession with ornithology to blame - or something more sinister?
  • 憨豆警局第一季
  • 电影
    A woman suffering from amnesia pieces together the events that led to her father's suicide, only to be haunted by the ghosts of children that she begins to suspect were murdered by him.