- One thousand years ago, an ancient race of shape-shifters -- known as the Gurrn -- fought to protect their home from warring human invaders. When they were defeated, their souls became trapped between the Earth and the Moon, bringing a curse upon the city of Steelhenge. To this day -- on the eve of each full moon -- a …
- 著名的“吐槽宗师”杰夫·罗斯将带来全新的喜剧剧集《历史名人吐槽会》,该剧集每集时长半小时,汇集了一流的喜剧演员,他们身着相应时代的服装,感怀历史上的杰出人物,从总统(亚伯拉罕·林肯)到摇滚巨星(弗莱迪·默克里),形形色色的人物都有。这部总共六集的剧集根据洛杉矶的同名真人秀节目改编,围绕“给历史上一堂课”这一主题,每集以…