搜索 阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古

  • 电影生活
  • 《async - 第一束光》是阿彼察邦与日本音乐家坂本龙一合作的作品,音乐来自于坂本龙一的最新专辑《async》。作品里,睡梦中人们的影像都来自于阿彼察邦的朋友们。他把相机寄给朋友们,让他们自己拍摄而成。阿彼察邦时常携带 Digital Harinezumi 数码相机,不少作品是使用此相机拍摄完成。此作品2017年4月首次展出于日本东京和多利美术馆(WAT…
  • 因为今年是威尼斯电影节70周年华诞,陈可辛与贝托鲁奇、金基德、贾樟柯等全球知名导演,以“重启未来(Future Reload)”为题,拍摄了70部短片,向威尼斯电影节“祝寿”。28日当地时间22时,这70部短片正式播出。
  • 电影剧情
  • Since she appeared in my film in 2009, Jenjira Pongpas has changed her name. Like many Thais, she is convinced that the new name will bring her good luck. So Jenjira has become Nach, which means water. Not long after, she was drifting online and encountered a retired soldier, Frank, from Cuba, New Mexico, USA. A few mo…
  • Prominent film critic Tony Rayns has long been a supporter of Korean cinema. This film illustrates Rayns’ affection for Korean cinema through interviews of Korean cineastes that have a special affinity for him, including JANG Sun-woo, LEE …
  • In semi-obscurity, we hear a few chords on the guitar, a man whispering into a microphone then into a recording device on the Mekong river bank, that will relay his voice…
  • Two men are in the room 1702 of a hotel named M, which situated in the heart of Yau Ma Tei area. They are the film crew members who has visited Hong Kong for the first time. They spend their afternoon in the room doing souvenir portraits. Below in the park outside sits their team member with a microphone clipped onto h…
  • 在泰国,电影上映之前,都要播放一段短片,以祭神或赞美泰皇以保佑放映平安。   “赞美诗”因此得名   阿彼察邦的《赞美诗》中,便利用了电影的两种属性:静止和运动。它们不合时宜地出现,组成了一个影像装置,并以此向“电影之神”为他即将到来的作品祈福
  • 今年電影節的《香港四重奏II》打破地域界限,加入東南亞導演,由四位亞洲導演拍下他們眼中獨有的香港風情。其中來自泰國的阿彼察邦韋拉斯花古,憑作品《波米叔叔的前世今生》獲康城影展金棕櫚獎;菲律賓導演布里楊文杜沙曾獲2009年康城影展最佳導演獎;此外,來自馬來西亞的何宇恆導演,去年執導的《心魔》助惠英紅奪得香港電影金像獎最佳女主角…